Monthly Archives: March 2016

Under the mantle of the words…

World around us is truly “universal”.

kurs-sakral-ny-h-znanijCreating certain words, human being encoded in them his own perception of the world around, now denoted by words – i.e, certain combinations of sounds and letters. Primordially with the words did the man strive to convey the sacred essence of occurrences and get the gist of them, having heard and processed the words. This sacred meaning is kept within the word structure up until nowadays.

Thus, semantic and etymologic analysis allows revealing the real meaning of many terms and occurrences of our reality. One of such phenomena – the greatest and most mysterious for human consciousness –has always been the Universe. However the creators of this word – priests, scholars of the past, sages – had probably guessed that gist and laws of the Universe, because they named it exactly as following: Universe….

In French it is called Univers. in German – Universum, and in English we call it Universe. But why exactly like this? Let`s have a look at the component parts of this word: Uni and Versum. Versum means the change (to vary – in English, varier – “to alter”, “to modify” in French). That is to say: Universum has an ability to change depending upon… Uni, which is “I” or “Oneself” – an individual; a personal consciousness of human being; UNIque personality. Uni – and its derivatives in many languages: uno, un/une, one, all denote “One”. Then the law of the Universe is that the world around us “tunes to the pitch” of our consciousness. It is the projection of our thoughts and words. Universe can alter under the influence of our mind. And our great ancestors put this idea into the very notion of the Universe – obviously, words were not coined accidentally, with no sense embedded in them. They appeared as products of thorough research and cognition of the world.

The main quality of the Universe – Universality – i.e. the infinite multitude of developed forms and their variety – also obeys this law. If there is infinite aggregate of existing things, almost anything you like may appear in your life. It depends only on our individual desire and will, on our personal mind power.

Universality/Versatility of the Universe bestows us a freedom of choice and creative work, gives a right to be the Creators of our own life. As the UniVERSE is VERSatile, the world “varies” dependent on “unicum”, according to unique mind. And each of us is endowed with this amazing power of consciousness.


Our life, the world around us, the very Cosmos are versatile thus all our dreams may come true in the scope of their Existence…

By Taliya Khafizou

(pictures are taken from the sites and

Что сокрыто под мантией Слов…

Поистине «универсален» мир вокруг.

Семантический и этимологический анализ слов позволяет раскрыть истинный смысл многих понятий и явлений этого мира. Создавая определенные слова, человек закладывал в них свои представления об окружающем мире. Теперь обозначаемом с помощью определенных сочетаний звуков и букв – то есть слов. Таким образом, изначально именно с помощью слов человек стремился передать сакральную суть окружающих явлений и понять эту суть, услышав слово и осознав его.

В некоторых словах сохранен этот сакральный смысл – и благодаря словесному анализу можно определить истинную суть явлений, обозначаемых ими.

Одним из таких явлений – величайшим и загадочным для человеческого сознания – всегда была Вселенная. Однако создатели этого слова – жрецы, или т.н. Хранители Звука, наверняка догадывались о сути и законах Вселенной, раз дали ей именно такое имя…

Universe – так называется Вселенная по-английски. Univers – по-французски. Universum – по-немецки. Но почему Вселенную назвали именно так? Составные части этого слова: Uni и Versum. Versum означает изменение (to vary – изменяться в англ.яз., varier – видоизменяться, варьироваться во фр.яз.). Значит, Универсум имеет способность изменяться в зависимости от… Uni. Что есть «Я» – индивидуум, личное сознание человека, УНИкальная личность. Uni – и его производные в разных языках: uno, un/une, one, означают «Один». Значит, закон Вселенной заключается в том, что мир вокруг нас подстраивается под наше же сознание, есть проекция наших мыслей и слов. Вселенная способна видоизменяться под воздействием нашего ума.

Главное свойство Вселенной – Универсальность – то есть бесконечно множество проявленных форм, их разнообразие – также подчиняется этому закону. Раз проявленных форм – бесконечное множество, значит, появиться в нашей жизни может все, что угодно. Все зависит только от нашей единоличной веры и желания, силы сознания.    Универсальность Вселенной дарует нам свободу выбора и творчества, наделяет правом быть Творцами своей жизни. Ведь Вселенная «варьируется», мир изменяется в зависимости от «уникума», уникального ума, которым наделен каждый из нас.


Другое интересное слово – Праведник. Содержит сакральный звук РА. Праведник – Правда – Рай. Всегда считалось, что праведникам – будет в рай дорога, а обманщикам/грешникам – в ад.

Интересно, что по-французски «праведный», «правильный», «правдивый» – звучит как {врэ}. Но если прочитать его так, как оно пишется: vrai, то имеем {врай} – или «В РАЙ».

Снова та же смысловая связь – кто правду говорит, тот попадает «в рай».


Изначально, создатели слов обладали знанием о сакральной силе звуков. Основные звуки содержатся в словах наиболее древних и важных для человека. Мне всегда было интересно понять, почему именно словом «вода» стали называть величайшую стихию нашего мира? Основу всего живого на Земле. На татарском и многих других тюркских языках вода зовется по-другому: «су».

Если обратиться к Котодаме – древнейшему японскому знанию о «духе, живущему в слове», то можно узнать об основных звуках, которые являются священными. При их произнесении как бы налаживается связь с высшим миром. Так вот по Котодаме один из главных слогов/звуков – это слог СУ.

И означает он…основу существования, начало всего сущего. Представляет абсолютный центр материального мира. И именно этим сакральным звуком была названа вода (в тюркских языках, и ряде других) – разумеется, неслучайно такое совпадение в определениях звука и слова, этим звуком обозначаемого.

Примечательно, что в японском языке вода называется «суй» (в китайском как «шуй»). В эпоху заимствования иероглифики японцами были переняты от китайцев не только сами иероглифы, но и морфемы, слова. Слово «суй» было одним из таких заимствований.

В результате, у каждого японского иероглифа есть два варианта прочтения – Он (китайское) и Кун (японское). Так вот, Он используется в составе сложных слов, а Кун – когда иероглиф один. «Суй» пришло из китайского языка, и наряду с ним для обозначения «воды» в современном японском языке используется слово мидзу (кунное, исконно японское значение). Но почему для «воды» избрали именно слово «мидзу» – это уже другой вопрос. J


Примечания и мысли к главе «Древнейшая магия знаков и звуков», из книги Кайроса О-Хара о «Магии»:

«Цифра соответствует звуку, ритму, вибрации. Из звуков образуются слоги – слова… Оглашая сущность знака, шаман проговаривал все звуки, приводя общину и себя в трансовое состояние. Это называлось волшебством… Знаки, таким образом, содержали в себе больше чем просто сочетания звуков, прописываемых затем буквами. Они взрывали сознание людей, возвышали к непостижимому, к тайне бытия. Они приближали человека к высшим сущностям, которые могли управлять знаками, ритмом, вибрацией, энергией, материей и сознанием людей». (Кайрос О-Хара)

Литераторы, т.е. поэты и писатели, музыканты и певцы, приближены к этим высшим сущностям в наибольшей степени.

Интересно проследить этимологию слова «литера» в этой связи.

Литератор – литера-твор, творящий посредством «букв» (от латинского littera – буква). Происхождение же латинского слова точно неизвестно. Морфема Lit ассоциируется с «камнем» (моно-лит, мега-лит, лито-сфера), а ra – с божественным разумом. Известно, что древние народы поклонялись камням по своим канонам. И имя бога «Гермес» означает дословно «груда камней», «каменный столб». Первые буквы – литеры – также наносились именно на камни, или каменистую поверхность пещер, скал.   Возможно, поэтому буквы – возникшие как пиктограммы, первоначально наносимые на камень, – стали называть «литерами».

В «Саге об Эгиле» говорится:

Рун не должен резать

Тот, кто в них не смыслит,

В непонятных знаках

Всякий может сбиться.


Это относится не только к руническому письму, но к буквам и словам в целом. Литературная деятельность требует сознательного, осмысленного и ответственного подхода.

«Непонятные» или не достаточно пОнятые, неосмысленные «знаки» могут сбить как самого пишущего (рисующего), так и читающих. Потому, в таких знаках «всякий может сбиться».

Неслучайно, «в древнейшие времена все древние символы имели магическое и религиозное значение. Легенды сообщают, что они были дарованы людям богами.» (Кайрос О`Хара). Действительно, божественная сила заключена в словах. Литеры – божественные «камни», мощь которых может быть направлена как на созидание, так и на разрушение.

Поэтому «в древние времена редко кто владел способностью фиксировать свои мысли в виде определенных символов или знаков. Это считалось делом священным, магическим и сакральным».

“Souvenirs” from Akdeniz

By Taliya Khafizou ©

Dear readers, in this article I would like to tell you about one of the eminent citizens of Cyprus – Mr Erol Akcan. I had a chance to meet this person in Akdeniz village, famous for its historic places, magnificent sea shore and rural atmosphere.

It happened during one of our weekend trips to Akdeniz and its roundabouts. We decided to make a break on our long way and saw a café-shop with interesting name Akcan. «In Turkish it sounds like something white and innocent, as if meaning lucid and bright soul», – these associations were triggered in my mind as soon as I read the title of the shop. “Why not to check does this “cover name” correspond to the content or not?”, – I thought and entered the shop just like a person who opens the book being captivated by its title.

Later on I realized that this curiosity was a key to positive discoveries and happy impressions.

'hjkIt came out that such a title was given not only to a simple gift shop. It was a real studio, where its owner, Mr Akcan, created marvelous works of applied art.


Most of these neat goods were made of clay and painted with bright colors – vivid like the colors of Cyprus. I liked the unusual design of these objects – folklore motives of pictures reflected the specific character of their “place of birth” – Akdeniz village. Mostly there were depicted interesting scenes of local life and images of nature. Some figures were hanging under the ceiling – they were light and colorful. It turned out that these were pumpkins. They were cleaned from pulp and dried beforehand, and their intricate forms were then well adorned with various colors and patterns. Sometimes small holes are made in these figures, and a bulb is placed inside. Thus pumpkin can be transformed into Moroccan lamp!

We explored the interior of the shop and café attentively and noticed a book about Akdeniz on one of the shelves. The author was the owner himself – Mr Akcan. “Do you also write books?” – we asked. “Yes, sometimes I do”, – he replied modestly.

tyBook sparked an obvious interest by its content as well as the origin. It is such a rare sight – to meet an author of the book, not even stirring a step from the bookshelf. And, what`s more unusual, to meet writer from Cyprus. As citizens of this island, my family and me were happy to make acquaintance with noble representative of native population and expressed our honor to Erol Akcan, writer and local master of arts and craft.

However we were not the only people who became imbued with sympathy to this person: a framed picture hanged near the bookshelf – “it is the present from students of European University”, explained us Erol Akcan. Moment of joy was commemorated on the picture: students sitting together with Erol Akcan, at the table with some dainties. From the text, accompanying the picture, we clarified that students were volunteers, taking part in charitable project dedicated to protection of turtles in 2014.

The book, written by Erol Akcan, is devoted to the history of Akdeniz village and its citizens. It is based on author`s research of life chronicles of different families that have been residing in Akdeniz for many years and presents a unique compilation of biographic facts and photo-materials.

Besides being a truly talented man, Mr Akcan can be called an easy person to deal with. Welcoming in communication, charismatic and modest by his nature, he told about the work, he was so passionate about, and served us black tea with sugar and milk. The very taste of the tea was unforgettable– maybe, the water used for it was unusual, or the atmosphere around us positively influenced the perception of reality.

Our talk with Mr Akcan reminded me of the book by famous writer Kayros O`Hara, where the “Secrets of Longevity and Mysteries of Immortality” are revealed. It gives many useful recommendations on revitalization and rejuvenation of the organism, tells about healing practices and various scientific theories on this topic, including the research of Chinese scientists. They suppose that “deteriorations in cerebrum functioning cause premature aging”. While constant intellectual activity contributes to longevity and healthy life. In Kayros O`Hara`s book it was also said that “any creative activity intensifies development of brain, its neuron connections”. Having met such an outstanding person as Erol Akcan, I was again convinced in miraculous power of creative and intellectual work.

I think that positive mindset and this creative activity, namely, do help Erol Bey to stay in physical health and invigorate him with good spirit. I would like to wish him many years of creative life and thank for the conservation of historical heritage of Akdeniz village.

Interestingly, the word “souvenir” means “impression” in French. To my mind, the souvenirs-shop of Mr Akcan is one big impression, warm and memorable. And what awaits you inside is the collection of marvelous works of art and décor, which may become bright impressions from the trip to the village of Akdeniz. Whereas acquaintance with such person as the writer Erol Bey will undoubtedly inspire you to further exploration and creative cognition of this world.

Just as the part reflects the whole, so the island of Cyprus embodies the limitless field of impressions. Indeed, our blessed island contains an entire Universe of marvels and enchanting discoveries!fl


Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! В этой статье мне бы хотелось рассказать вам об одном из выдающихся жителей Кипра – Эроле Акджане. С этим человеком нам посчастливилось познакомиться в деревне Акдениз.

По дороге мы решили остановиться возле кафе-магазина с интересным названием Акджан. «На турецком звучит как белая, светлая душа», – подумала я и решила зайти внутрь.

Оказалось, что так называлась не просто сувенирная лавка. Это была настоящая мастерская, где ее хозяин, мистер Акджан, создавал чудесные творения прикладного искусства.

Большинство искусных изделий были выполнены из глины и расписаны яркими красками – сочными, как краски Кипра. Мне понравился оригинальный дизайн сувениров: фольклорные мотивы рисунков отражали специфику места их создания – деревню Акдениз. В основном, на них были запечатлены интересные сцены из жизни местного населения или образы природы.

Некоторые фигурки были подвешены к потолку – они были легкими по весу и колоритными. Оказалось, что это предварительно высушенные и очищенные от мякоти плоды тыквы, которые затем расписываются разными красками! Причудливые формы тыкв были удачно обыграны цветами и рисунками. Иногда в таких фигурках делаются небольшие отверстия, а внутрь помещается лампочка. Так тыква превращается в марокканскую лампу.

Изучив интерьер магазина и кафе внимательнее, мы заметили полку с книгой об Акденизе в нескольких экземплярах – автором был сам хозяин заведения, мистер Акджан. На наш вопрос: «вы писатель?», он скромно ответил «да, бывает, пишу иногда». Книга вызывала естественный интерес, как своим содержанием, так и происхождением. Ведь редко доводится тут же, не отходя от книжной полки, встретиться с автором книги, да еще и киприотского происхождения! Как жители острова, мы были рады познакомиться с благородным представителем местного населения и выразили свое уважение Эролу Акджану, писателю и мастеру сувенирного дела.

Но не только мы прониклись к этому человеку симпатией: возле книжной полки висел рисунок в рамке – «это мне подарили студенты из Европейского Университета», пояснил нам Эрол Акджан. На рисунке изображены студенты, сидящие вместе с ним за столом. Из текста, сопровождающего рисунок, можно было догадаться, что студенты из Европейского университета были волонтерами, участвовавшими в благотворительном проекте по охране Черепах, проводимом в 2014 году.

Книга Эрола Акджана посвящена истории деревни Акдениз и ее жителям – автор составил ее на основе изучения жизненных хроник различных семей Акдениза, дополнив текст биографическими фактами и большим количеством фотографий.

Будучи талантливым человеком, мистер Акджан вместе с тем приятен и прост в общении, обаятелен и скромен по своей натуре – он услужливо угостил нас черным чаем с сахаром и молоком и рассказал о своем любимом деле. Кстати, вкус у того чая был тоже необычайный – наверное, особенной была вода, а может это окружающая обстановка положительно влияла на наше восприятие.

Беседуя с мистером Акджаном, я вспомнила о книге известного писателя Кайроса О’Хара, где раскрываются «Секреты Долголетия и Тайны Бессмертия». В ней приводится множество полезных советов по оздоровлению и омоложению организма, рассказывается о практиках исцеления и различных научных теориях по этой теме. В том числе приводятся исследования китайских ученых, по мнению которых ухудшения в функционировании головного мозга сказываются на раннем старении. Постоянная же умственная активность способствует долголетию и здоровой жизнедеятельности. В книге было также сказано, что «любая творческая деятельность приводит к интенсивному развитию мозга, нейронных связей». Познакомившись с таким замечательным человеком как Эрол Акджан, я еще раз удостоверилась в чудодейственной силе творчества.

Думаю, что именно позитивный настрой и творческая деятельность помогают Эрол бею сохранять молодость, поддерживать здоровье тела и бодрость духа. Мне хочется пожелать ему долгих лет активной творческой жизни и поблагодарить за сохранение исторического наследия деревни Акдениз.

Интересно, что по-французски слово «сувенир» означает впечатление. На мой взгляд, сувенирная лавка мистера Акджана – это одно большое впечатление, яркое и приятное. И внутри вас ожидает целая коллекция чудесных предметов декора, которые станут приятными впечатлениями от поездки в деревню Акдениз. Знакомство же с писателем Эрол беем непременно вдохновит на дальнейшее творческое познание этого мира.

Как в малом отражается большое, так и на острове Кипр воплощается бескрайнее поле впечатлений. Наш благословенный остров – это целая Вселенная чудес и волшебных открытий!

People – Planets

Every Person is like the Planet, which is interesting to explore.

Discovering new Planets – means widening the scopes of the Universe, opened up by you. To get acquainted with new people – is to become the discoverer of divine variety of human souls, or “worlds” of consciousness.

Some planets are full of life, and some are lifeless. But there is certain sense in existence of each and every planet: as a harmony of our Solar System lies in this co-existence of various occurrences, sometimes even contradictory to each other.


Located far away from the Sun, Pluto might be deprived of “life” in our meaning: its surface is rocky, the world – unassailable. But it has its own right for existence, was created with certain aim, alike each of us.

Some planets are placed favorably – not too close to or far away from the Sun. But some were not given enough of this enlivening cordiality; and need more loving light. Oftentimes that`s why Planets turn to be cold and deserted and are obliged to live aloof, apart from others. Existing far away, amid infinite expanses of the Universe…. But with a certain mission, them too.

We discover the Universe through acquaintance with its creations: like one judges parents by their children. Likewise, we get acquaintance with people of different nationalities, cultures, and world views – and that gives us a slight feel of how is the creative flow of the Universe going on, how strong it is in the boundless variety of phenomena we experience.

In this rich, limitless variety of forms (that we see or just imagine) the infinite creative power of the Universe is expressed.

We strive to see the very divine in each person, understanding that there is a core in each of us. A spark of Supreme Mind, which pushes us to self-perfection, benevolence, love, and creative work. This very spark inspires us and presents the sense of our life, at the same time. None of the planets can exist without such a core. Fiery and Divine.

This core is like a soul. It can be concealed under the “mantle” of the thoughts and words,

Under the outer “covering”. And behind the thickets of what is husk and far-fetched. But it is deep within every “planet”.

As in little so in large the aspiration of the Universe to infinite uniqueness with the variety of forms and world-conceptions is expressed. Throughout the space: on the cosmic as well as on the earthly scale. And it is just… marvelous, isn`t it?




Каждый человек, словно планета, которую всегда интересно познать. Открывать новые планеты – значит расширять границы освоенной Тобой Вселенной. Знакомиться с новыми людьми – быть первооткрывателем божественного разнообразия человеческих душ. Или миров сознания.

Одни планеты безжизненны – другие процветают. Но в существовании каждой планеты есть смысл. Ведь гармония нашей Солнечной Системы заключается в этом сосуществовании разнообразных проявлений, иногда противоположных друг другу.      Плутон, может быть, и лишен жизни – он далек от Солнца, поверхность его камениста, а мир – неприступен. Но и он имеет право на существование. Был создан с какой-то целью.

Некоторые планеты размещены «благодатно» – не слишком близко, и не далеко от Солнца. Но кому-то этого жизненного тепла, света любви, не хватает. Часто поэтому планеты оказываются холодными и пустынными и вынуждены жить отчужденно, отстраненно от других. Существуя в далеких просторах Вселенной тоже с какой-то миссией.

Мы познаем Вселенную через знакомство с ее творениями: как судят о родителях по детям. В том числе и через знакомство с людьми разных национальностей, культур, мировоззрений.

В этом богатом, безграничном разнообразии выражается бесконечность Вселенной и мощь ее созидания. Мы стремимся узреть именно божественное в каждом человеке, понимая, что в каждом из нас – есть ядро. Искра Высшего Разума, заставляющая нас жить, творить, любить и вместе с тем представляющая смысл нашего существования. Ни одна планета не способна существовать без ядра. Огненного и Божественного.

Это ядро словно душа. Она может быть скрыта за «мантией» мыслей и слов, за внешней «оболочкой», за дебрями всего наносного и надуманного, но есть у каждой «планеты».

В космических и земных масштабах. Как в малом, так и в большом проявляется устремлённость Вселенной к бесконечной неповторимости, при разнообразии форм и миро-представлений. И это…прекрасно.






WWW – In Wiener Waltz of Wonders

                                                                                                           Text by Taliya Khafizou

                                                                                                          Photo by Almira Khafizou

            Austro-Hungarian Empire held sway in European world during many centuries. Today, accordingly, it continues to surpass many western countries in cultural inheritance and, above all, in life quality. The capital of Austria – Vienna (or Wien in German) – combines modern trends with royal charm and loftiness of big city. It will richly endow discerning guests with numerous impressions, like a Symphony, which bestows variety of its motives on the sensitive listeners, or like miraculous music, which spurs the Fantasy. Not only is Vienna permeated with musical motives, but also with historical, mystical, architectural, artistic, gastronomic, and many others. Each motive here wits its own chronicle of life….

VIENNAThe motive of capital`s history is as much solemn and rich as other melodies of gorgeous Viennese Symphony. It traces own roots back to dim and distant past, giving us the possibility to ruminate on the legends of by-gone years, etymology of the capital`s name, and precursors of modern cultural heritage. This history deserves a special article. Whereas we will just note that Vienna was founded in nearly 1st century BC on Danube River and it is one of the most ancient European cities.

If historical Vienna`s fasti were imagined in form of music, they would definitely combine eastern and western motives in musical entity. After all, one should not forget that Austro-Hungarian Empire took many of its characteristic traits over Eastern world…..

For instance, Viennese Waltz is one of the main associations which is triggered by the name of Austrian capital. But just few people know that Waltz traces back to Sufism, one of the richest and strongest spiritual streams, which appeared in the East. The word Waltz has meant the dance of whirling motion, and etymologically as well as by performance surprisingly resembles the famous whirls of Dervishes, which Sufis have used in their spiritual practices long before the Austro-Hungarian Empire appeared.

Viennese coffee is a splendid and unique drink, which has no match in the whole world! But the tradition of drinking coffee has not appeared without any reason – it came to Austria again from the East, probably from Turkey, where the coffee culture had already seen many centuries in its lifetime. Some historians suggest that inhabitants of Vienna got acquaintance with grain elixir during wars of conquest, held by Ottoman Empire in Europe. In course of the battles the army of Turkish sultan was obliged to seize the occupation of Vienna and retreat. In Vienna they have left a big quantity of coffee – one enterprising Polish profited by this booty. He fell in love with this drink, as soon as tasted it, and was the first to open café in Vienna

However, already before Turkish people, coffee was consumed in a very limited quantity by Sufis. They used it in spiritual practices as a powerful drink, facilitating the development of concentration and broadening of consciousness.

1The life of Vienna is intertwined with Oriental world up to now. By some quirk of fate, Austria, having resisted the pressure of the Turkish with lasting success, now is in partial occupancy of them. About 70% of all taxi-drivers in Vienna are Turks, they are also the owners of some leading restaurants and shops. So, with the knowledge of Turkish language you won`t get lost here, indeed! Turks, who have settled and work in Austria, appreciate the order, cleanness, calmness and security that are characteristic to this marvellous country.

Having adopted many things, Austria, nevertheless, has been able to endow attributes of eastern heritage with new traits, and eastern notes found their unique sound in its Symphony….

Thus, incorporating Waltz, Austria was undoubtedly a pioneer in introducing the culture of performing this dance in high society. Furthermore, Vienna rightfully holds a status of musical capital. Here were born and developed all the main directions of Western-European music. Here lived and creatively worked Haydn and Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms, Shubert and Straus. Amadeus Mozart, representative of Viennese Classical School, wrote here «The Marriage of Figaro». Beethoven created the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Symphonies. The famous rhythm of Viennese Waltz by its spreading in highest levels of society and variety of beautiful compositions is indebted to Johan Straus-the father and the son. Their waltzes and operettas are famous all over the world.

Viennese Symphony impresses as by its musical, so by its historical mystical and architectural artistic motives.


Vienna is a real keeper of magic relics. In the oldest part of the famous Hofburg Castle the Imperial Treasury, Schatzkammer, is situated. Besides the symbols of Habsburger`s power, among which are the Austrian Imperial crown and the relics of the Holy Roman Empire with its own imperial crown, coronation cloak and holy spear, the religious artifacts that belonged to Catholic church are presented. Other notable sights are the treasures of the Golden Fleece Order (the necklaces and chains with order symbolic) and Burgundy`s riches of the 15 century.


One of the most outstanding and mystic artifacts of the Imperial Treasury, which is, by the way, also linked with the Eastern world and confirms its mightiness, is Agate Bowl. It was brought to Vienna from Constantinople and dates back as far as 300-400 AC. The bowl was graved from the whole piece of agate and is the largest vessel as such, which has been preserved till present times. This artifact gained particular glory and value when the sacred inscription Xristo was revealed on its natural texture at peculiarly directed light. For this reason, many legends were composed where the Bowl was named as Holy Grail…


Another exhibit, which was in entire possesion of Habsburger family and was inherited strictly from one generation to another, has been the Horn of mythical Unicorn. It was presented to Ferdinand I by the King of Poland Sigismund II in 1540. In Middle Ages the horn was considered as allegory of Christ while its horn symbolized the divine force, allegedly posessing healing properties and enduing the owner with spiritual power. In 17th century it came out that Unicorn`s horn was actully the tusk of sea mammal, the narwhal, which lives in the waters of Arctic Circle, mostly near Iceland and Greenland. SPEARBy the height of this horn, which is more than 2 meters long, one can estimate the impressive size of its owner…. Considered as antidote, «horns of unicorns» were exhibited in cabinets of curiosities and pharmacies of Renaissance epoch. They were sold all over Europe for mints of money.


The Emperor Ferdinand I left to three of his sons rich heritage, but among these numerous treasures the Agate Bowl and Unicorn`s Horn were regarded as the most valuable relics. TREASURE 1

It was once and forever determined that these two relics would be always in posession of the eldest member of imperial family during unlimited period as «imprescriptible familial valuables» with no right to sell them or gift, unlike other treasures of Imperial Kamer. But beside these mystic artifacts the Treasure is renowned for other wealths, which are hidden in sombre sacred rooms, in glass showcases where the light, slightly gleaming over, accentuates their value, art of cutting, beauty of incrustation and impeccable finness.

Thus, in the gloom of treasury, on the central postament of one of the camers did reclined a large emerald. Being not initiated to its glorious history we were impressed by unique luminescence of the gem. From within and through the facets of the emerald a healing green and turquoise gleam was shedding. This light permeated the ephir of the air with yet undecipherable information of many millenia…. EMERALD

As if initiating us into some mysteries of the past, hypnotically appealing and influencing the glares, forwarded to it. Later we got to know that this emerald is one of the largest emeralds in the whole world and it was one of the most famous treasures of imperial heritage.

The spear of fate is another article, carefully kept in Viennese Schatzkamer. The blade of the dagger sparks wıth gold, shimmering as with glory of Austrian royaume, so with its mightiness of today. After all, for the sake of these mysterious treasures of Imperial Schatzkamer numerous tourists come to Vienna nowadays.

Having explored the historic center of Vienna, we set off to Schonbrunn Castle. Apartments of the castle are luxuriously furnished, but their attire could not deeply impress us after Imperial Treasury, which amazed not only with its rich grandeur but also with alluring mystery.


However we were not able to resist the beauty of Schonbrunn`s garden – variety of plants and flowers does captivates! Among splendid trees the most eye-catchy were those that grew like high wall of fortress – in one line. They created an impression of us being in a fairy-tale, wandering along the spell-bound wall, behind which another dimension of reality existed and as if its energy didn`t allow the trees to grow further and wider.


The garden`s «rose portal» was also alluring – we had a feeling, that the way under the voted hall, entwined with fragrant roses, led to paradise. The combination of aroma-chromo therapies healed the body and the mind. These have been one of my most outstanding impressions….


The greenhouses of Schonbrunn impress by their variety of plants and trees from tropic parts of our planet. Here the endemics of South-American jungles are growing such as araucaria from Chili or Rafflesia poisonous. Named Palmenhaus, greenhouses have hosted lots of these high trees. Traditionally the largest palms of Palmenhaus have held the names of Austrian empresses: one of them was named Sisi, in honor of Franz Josef`s spouse.

Zoo park near Schonbrunn also deserves visiting. PEACOCK

You can meet a lot of animals with fancy names here. For instance, «zwergotter» сame out to be a charming «cuty» creature with five-pointed pads and imposing little moustache. It friendly jumped to the window and looked at us with expressive, piercing eyes. There was something divine and lovely in its name – «Gott» means the God in German. Later we got to know that such an unusual «zwergott» is just an otter, but of a quite rare sort. At that, according to the zoological dictionary, the main villain of the otter is considered to be human. 🙂

The huge pandas of Schonbrunn`s zoo were less communicative than eastern otters – spotty bears were more fascinated to consume bamboo rather than to speak with the visitors of the park. Actually, 80-125 kg weight pandas consume at least 20 kg of this plant in a day!

Having looked at all the animals, many of which were busy with their lunches, and gone through the whole zoo, we also became hungry and dropped in at Tirolenhaus. On the first floor of Tirolean-style house were situated the stables and incubators of chicks. On the second floor we revealed cozy farm restaurant with rooms, furnished in Austrian typical style. Everything in this house was made of wood, which endowed a marvelous healing aroma and associations of being in one`s native countryside. In the restaurant we got acquaintance with welcoming and hardworking Austrian, who was selling homemade bakery and local farm products: cheese, sausages, freshly baked bread, cakes from whole-grain flour with different mouth-watering fillings (fruity or with poppy seeds). He also sold cow, sheep and goat milk, poured in milk-cans, kefir, wonderful coffee, and – attention please, – the delicacy №1 – Austrian apples from South Tirol. Extremely juicy, half-sweet and crispy, slightly sour and with fairy-tale aftertaste!

For more classic atmosphere and more confectionary delicacies one can go to the café, situated near observation deck, not far away from the zoo. From here an astonishing view on Schonbrunn castle and beautiful Vienna opens.

To these sights of gastronomic experience in Vienna and its roundabouts, one should also add the restaurant Plachutta and café Harry&Harry in the city center. The latter will be ideally suitable for the breakfast as it suggest a wide range of morning meals.

Guests may start their day in best culinary traditions of different corners of the world: France, Austria. England, Japan, China, Russia, and other countries. Give yourself a treat and try an omelets with a slice of salmon, or pancakes. Alternatively you may choose classic Viennese brioches, French croissants, served with butter and marmalade. Or why not to enjoy Japanese miso soup with some pickles as well as some other victuals from overseas? Various sorts of tea and wonderful Julius Meinl coffee are definitely recommended to taste, too.

In Plachutta restaurant the special dish is considered to be Tafelspitz – boiled low-fat beef is served in bouillon with vegetables and roasted potatoes with spinach as side dishes. This meal was the favorite dish of the very Emperor and was often served for royal board. So, if you want to imagine yourself being the Emperor of Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is worth going to Plachutta restaurant and trying traditional dish of local culinary here!

But if someone wants to bite with real Austrian sausages instead of that – (s)he has to buy them in special Wurstelstand, stalls where they are sold in wide assortment. In restaurant menus, meanwhile, just one sort of them will be presented – Sacherwurstel, which resemble by taste and look ordinary Frankfurter sausages.

Well, of course, equally bright impressions will leave above-mentioned Austrian coffee – it is first-rate here! First degustation of Julius Meinl should be done without any milk added, to my mind – in order to feel the high-quality sort of the coffee, which has no bitter aftertaste and is remarkable for mild and tender tantalizing notes. We have got a chance to drink this coffee to our heart`s content in our next point of destination, where the Viennese Symphony continued in fabulous way.

In Wiener Waltz of Wonders have we whirled, travelling around marvelous capital of Austria. Discovering this country, we enjoyed the sound of its various motives – motives that will rest in the soul of each keen pilgrim in form of unforgettable impressions…..